Sunday, October 9, 2011

New Talavan Prabhupadanuga Festival

A Prabhupadanuga festival commemorating the anniversary of the disappearance of  His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. — 2 miles from New Talavan.
Dear Vaisnavas,
Please accept our humble obeisances.  All Glories to our eternal spiritual master, His Divine Loving Grace,  Srila Prabhupada!
You are receiving this e-mail because you are invited to attend the biggest festival ever held for the pleasure of His Divine Grace and that ever expanding group of vaisnavas, the Prabhupadanugas.  This is aninternational Prabhupadanuga festival.
All Prabhupadanugas are welcome.  We just ask that you please respect that we follow this understanding…
·        That Srila Prabhupada remains the Founder/Acarya and initiating diksa guru of ISKCON for the perpetuity of ISKCON.
      Thus all ISKCON devotees should be disciples or aspiring disciples of His Divine Grace in accordance with his irrevocable
      written instructions issued July 9, 1977.
·        That the books of His Divine Grace should be published the original way. "The next printing should be again to the original way."   (Conversation , Vrindavan,  June 22, 1977)
·        That other initiating vaisnava gurus should have their own maths (many do) and as far as possible good relations should be maintained between the different camps.  In fact, other devotees are never “banned” from visiting our Prabhupadanuga centres.

It is acknowledged that the Prabhupadanugas have some diverse opinions on some issues.  This festival is a festival of worshipping  His Divine Grace, a festival of hearing, chanting, dancing, honouring prasadam, and a venue for association with like-minded devotees.  There will also be forum for discussion of different ideas.
When :                              Arrive Friday November 12, depart Tuesday November 16 2004
Where :                             2 miles from New Talavan, Mississippi, USA.
                                          Visited and blessed by Srila Prabhupada in 1975.
                                          Devotees will be accommodated and the festival will be held on
                                          Prabhupadanuga owned property.
Accommodation :            3 Options.      (1) First Class large communal tents.  The weather is great in November.
(2).Four man individual tents.
                                                                  (3) Hosting by local Prabhupadanugas (limited).
                                                                  (4) Motels.  For details, see “R.S.V.P.” below.
                                          Whichever option you would like, please let us know.
Closest Airports :            New Orleans, Louisiana  and  Gulfport-Biloxi, Mississippi.  Both about 1 hour away.
Cost :                                Free!   Donations welcome but not asked for.
Bring :                               Bead bag, sleeping bag, sheet, pillow if desired, suci kit, towel, clothes, cooking skills, and mrdangas.
R.S.V.P. :                         Mahasrnga dasa                                      +1 (601) 307 1212
                                          Varaha dasa and Nrsmha devi dasi             +1 (601) 798 2042
                                          Bhakta Mike                                                              +1 (601) 799 5640
Given that the Prabhupadanugas are presently in exile from ISKCON, we acknowledge the rationale behind the formation of various Prabhupadanuga societies such as IRM, PSS, the Hare Krishna Society, Global Bhakti Yoga Society.  It would of course be great if there was just one Prabhupadanuga society pending the reformation of ISKCON.  But there’s not.
Thus we advocate a theme for this festival of …
- Unity in Diversity –
Lord Krishna says, “For those who constantly remember My presence in all persons, the bad tendencies of rivalry, envy, abusiveness, along with the false ego are very quickly destroyed.”  S.B. 11-29-19
Hare Krishna!
The New Talavan Prabhupadanugas

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