Vamana Jayanti : Wednesday, 26-09-2012
Vamana jayanti is celebrations of the appearance day of Vamana dev in the month of Bhadrapada. It falls on the dwadasi, the twelth day, of bright half Bhadrapada month (August – September). In 2011 Vamana jayanti is on 9th September.
Who is Vamana dev
Vamana dev is the fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu in the second yuga or Treta yuga. It is the first incarnation of Lord in total human form. Lord Vamana appeared as the son of Aditi and the sage Kashyapa muni. He was known as the younger brother of the king of heavens, Lord Indra. In Srimad Bhagavatam, the great epic of Hindus, in eighth canto, chapters 15 to 23 there is interesting narration of the pastime of Lord Vamana dev.
King Bali and Vamana Dev
King Bali was grandson of devotee king Prahlad. He performed 100 Ashwamedha yagna to become Lord Indra. He wanted to become very powerful and defeat Indra, under the idea of false guru Shukracharya. When Indra came to know that King Bali is about to finish the yagna, he ran to Lord Vishnu to save him. Then Lord Vishnu incarnated as Vamana dev, a dwarf Brahmana boy. King Bali was very generous in nature. He declared he can grant any charity during the yagna.
Lord Vishnu in the form of Vamana approached King Bali. When Shukracharya saw Vamana he could know that he is Vishnu. Thus he stopped King Bali to give any promise. But King Bali could not give up his generous nature. Vamana dev carried wooden umbrella and came to King Bali in a humble demeanor.
King Bali’s Charity
Vamana asked 3 steps of land in charity. King Bali sarcastically laughed and asked the boy to ask something more. But Vamana answered that one should be satisfied with whatever is needed and never try to think of more than needed. King Bali promised to give the charity.
Lord Vamana dev expanded in the gigantic form and covered whole cosmos in one step. He then covered whole earth in another step. Then he asked where to keep his third step. King Bali surrendered to Vamana dev and gave his own head to step on for the third step.
Vamana Jayanti Celebrations
Devotees of Lord Vishnu celebrate this day in great reverence. The event is celebrations of victory of Vamana dev. They visit the temples dedicated to Vamana dev. They perform poojas and rituals. This pastime of Vamana dev from Srimad Bhagavatam is recited with great love and devotion.
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